{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../../../Scripts/default/DefaultTour.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["\uFEFFnamespace WebPortal.WebPortalTour.Default {\n export class TourDefaultController extends WebPortalTour.TourController {\n protected getGermanSteps(): any[] {\n return (\n [\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_starttour\",\n title: \"Willkommen beim RMS Web Portal\",\n content: \"Mit dieser Tour m\u00F6chten wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Punkte kurz zeigen.
\"\n + \"Die Tour kann beliebig oft neu gestartet werden.

\"\n + \"Weitere Informationen stehen ebenfalls in den FAQ und im ChangeLog f\u00FCr Sie bereit.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_join_session\",\n title: \"Join Session\",\n content: \"Ein anderer RMS User kann seine Session mit Ihnen teilen.

\"\n + \"Hier geben Sie die dazu notwendige SessionID ein, die Ihnen der andere RMS User mitgeteilt hat.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_file_transfer\",\n title: \"File Transfer\",\n content: \"Mit dem File Transfer k\u00F6nnen Sie Dateien und Ordner von Ihrem Arbeitsger\u00E4t auf Ihre RMS Shares hoch- und herunterladen.

\"\n + \"Der Dateiaustausch zwischen RMS Share und Zielsystem erfolgt im Rahmen der verwendeten Management Applikation.
\"\n + \"Die RMS Shares sind auf der RMS Jumpstation (RJS) als Laufwerke eingebunden.

\"\n + \"Der File Transfer wird in einem neuen Browser Tab ge\u00F6ffnet.

\"\n + \"Limiten und weitere Informationen k\u00F6nnen den FAQ entnommen werden.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_account_information\",\n title: \"Account Information\",\n content: \"Hier sehen Sie verschiedene Informationen zu Ihrem Account.

\"\n + \"Account:
\"\n + \"Ihre bei RMS gespeicherten pers\u00F6nlichen Angaben.
\"\n + \"Hier k\u00F6nnen Sie Ihr RMS Passwort \u00E4ndern.

\"\n + \"Access Groups / Contacts:
\"\n + \"Hier sehen Sie die Access Groups, f\u00FCr die Sie berechtigt sind.
\"\n + \"Haben Sie Fragen zu RMS sehen Sie bei jeder Access Group den daf\u00FCr zust\u00E4ndigen Kontakt.

\"\n + \"Access Requests:
\"\n + \"In diesem Bereich sehen Sie Ihre beantragten Zugriffe, die noch nicht bearbeitet wurden.

\"\n + \"Settings:
\"\n + \"Hier k\u00F6nnen Sie pers\u00F6nliche Einstellungen w\u00E4hlen:\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_notification_center\",\n title: \"Notification\",\n content: \"Hier werden bei Bedarf Informationen zu RMS angezeigt.

\"\n + \"Zum Beispiel eine Ank\u00FCndigung eines RMS Wartungsfensters oder einer bestehenden St\u00F6rung einer RMS Komponente.

\"\n + \"Klicken Sie auf Notification um alle vorhandenen Informationen (erneut) anzuzeigen.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_feedback\",\n title: \"Feedback\",\n content: \"Haben Sie ein Feedback zu RMS?

\"\n + \"Hier k\u00F6nnen Sie Anregungen oder auch W\u00FCnsche an das Center of Competence REMAS senden.

\"\n + \"Haben Sie Fragen zur Benutzung, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Kontakt.
\"\n + \"Siehe Contact & Privacy -> Contact oder Account Information -> Access Groups / Contacts\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_logoff\",\n title: \"Log off\",\n content: \"Hier k\u00F6nnen Sie sich vom RMS Web Portal abmelden.
\"\n + \"Wird dieses Fenster geschlossen, werden auch alle weiteren REMAS Session Fenster geschlossen!\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#li_customersearch\",\n title: \"Search\",\n content: \"Im Search Tab suchen Sie nach Kunden und deren Zielsystemen, f\u00FCr die Sie berechtigt sind.

\"\n + \"Haben Sie den gew\u00FCnschte Kunden gefunden, doppelklicken Sie auf den Kundennamen.
\"\n + \"Es wird ein neuer RMS Browser Tab ge\u00F6ffnet. Sie sehen darin alle f\u00FCr Sie berechtigten Zielsysteme dieses Kunden.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_bookmark\",\n title: \"Favorites\",\n content: \"Im Favorites Tab sehen Sie alle Kunden, die Sie aus der Customer View als Favorites markiert haben.
\"\n + \"In der RMS Session Customer View k\u00F6nnen Sie Ihre Favorites bei Bedarf auch wieder l\u00F6schen.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_history\",\n title: \"History\",\n content: \"Im History Tab werden alle Kunden aufgef\u00FChrt, zu denen Sie k\u00FCrzlich eine Verbindung aufgebaut hatten.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#th_Additional\",\n title: \"Search Results - Additional\",\n content: \"In der Spalte Additional werden zu jedem gefundenen Kunden weitere Informationen durch Symbole angezeigt.

\"\n + \"Dies k\u00F6nnen zum Beispiel sein:\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"top\"\n }\n ]\n );\n }\n\n protected getFrenchSteps(): any[] {\n return (\n [\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_starttour\",\n title: \"Bienvenue au RMS Web Portal\",\n content: \"Ce Tour est destin\u00E9 \u00E0 vous pr\u00E9senter bri\u00E8vement les points principaux.
\"\n + \"Le Tour peut \u00EAtre d\u00E9marr\u00E9 aussi souvent que souhait\u00E9.

\"\n + \"Des informations suppl\u00E9mentaires sont \u00E9galement \u00E0 votre disposition dans le FAQ et dans le ChangeLog.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_join_session\",\n title: \"Join Session\",\n content: \"Un autre utilisateur de RMS peut partager sa Session avec vous.

\"\n + \"Indiquez ici le SessionID n\u00E9cessaire que l\u2019autre utilisateur de RMS vous a communiqu\u00E9.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_file_transfer\",\n title: \"File Transfer\",\n content: \"Le File Transfer vous permet de t\u00E9l\u00E9charger des fichiers et des dossiers sur vos RMS Shares depuis votre outil de travail et inversement.

\"\n + \"L\u2019\u00E9change de fichiers entre RMS Share et le syst\u00E8me cible se produit dans le cadre de l\u2019application de management utilis\u00E9e.
\"\n + \"Les RMS Shares sont int\u00E9gr\u00E9s \u00E0 la RMS Jumpstation (RJS) sous forme de lecteurs.

\"\n + \"Le File Transfer s\u2019ouvre dans un nouvel onglet du navigateur.

\"\n + \"Les restrictions d'utilisation et les informations suppl\u00E9mentaires peuvent \u00EAtre consult\u00E9es dans les FAQ.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_account_information\",\n title: \"Account Information\",\n content: \"Vous voyez ici les diff\u00E9rentes informations concernant votre Account.

\"\n + \"Account:
\"\n + \"Vos donn\u00E9es personnelles enregistr\u00E9es sur RMS.
\"\n + \"Vous pouvez modifier ici votre mot de passe RMS.

\"\n + \"Access Groups / Contacts:
\"\n + \"Vous voyez ici les Access Groups pour lesquels vous avez une autorisation.
\"\n + \"Si vous avez des questions concernant RMS, vous pouvez voir l\u2019interlocuteur comp\u00E9tent dans chaque Access Group.

\"\n + \"Access Requests:
\"\n + \"Dans cette zone, vous pouvez consulter vos acc\u00E8s qui ont fait l\u2019objet d\u2019une demande et qui n\u2019ont pas encore \u00E9t\u00E9 trait\u00E9s.

\"\n + \"Settings:
\"\n + \"Vous pouvez s\u00E9lectionner ici des r\u00E9glages personnels\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_notification_center\",\n title: \"Notification\",\n content: \"Si n\u00E9cessaire, des informations concernant RMS apparaissent ici.

\"\n + \"Par exemple une annonce de fen\u00EAtre de maintenance de RMS ou une perturbation d\u2019un composant de RMS.

\"\n + \"Cliquez sur Notification pour afficher (\u00E0 nouveau) toutes les informations existantes.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_feedback\",\n title: \"Feedback\",\n content: \"Avez-vous un feedback concernant RMS?

\"\n + \"Vous pouvez envoyer ici les suggestions ou autres demandes au Center of Competence REMAS.

\"\n + \"En cas de questions concernant l\u2019utilisation, veuillez vous adresser \u00E0 votre interlocuteur.
\"\n + \"Voir Contact & Privacy -> Contact ou Account Information -> Access Groups / Contacts\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_logoff\",\n title: \"Log off\",\n content: \"Cette fonction vous permet de vous d\u00E9connecter du RMS Portal.
\"\n + \"Si cette fen\u00EAtre est ferm\u00E9e, toutes les autres fen\u00EAtres de la session REMAS seront \u00E9galement ferm\u00E9es !\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#li_customersearch\",\n title: \"Search\",\n content: \"L\u2019onglet Search vous permet de rechercher des clients et leurs syst\u00E8mes cibles, pour lesquels vous \u00EAtes autoris\u00E9.

\"\n + \"Lorsque vous avez trouv\u00E9 le client souhait\u00E9, double-cliquez sur le nom du client.
\"\n + \"Un nouvel onglet RMS s\u2019ouvre. Celui-ci vous montre tous les syst\u00E8mes cibles de ce client pour lesquels vous poss\u00E9dez une autorisation.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_bookmark\",\n title: \"Favorites\",\n content: \"Dans l\u2019onglet Favorites, vous voyez tous les clients que vous avez marqu\u00E9s comme Favorites dans la Customer View.
\"\n + \"Dans la Customer View de la session RMS, vous pouvez \u00E9galement supprimer vos favoris si n\u00E9cessaire.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_history\",\n title: \"History\",\n content: \"Dans l\u2019onglet History sont indiqu\u00E9s tous les clients avec lesquels vous avez \u00E9tabli r\u00E9cemment une relation.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#th_Additional\",\n title: \"Search Results - Additional\",\n content: \"Dans la colonne Additional sont affich\u00E9es, sous forme de symboles, des informations suppl\u00E9mentaires sur chaque client trouv\u00E9.

\"\n + \"Il peut s\u2019agir par exemple de:\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"top\"\n }\n ]\n );\n }\n\n protected getItalianSteps(): any[] {\n return (\n [\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_starttour\",\n title: \"Benvenuti nel RMS Web Portal\",\n content: \"Con questo Tour desideriamo illustrarvi brevemente i punti pi\u00F9 importanti.
\"\n + \"Il Tour pu\u00F2 essere riavviato a piacere.

\"\n + \"Trovate ulteriori informazioni anche nelle FAQ e nel ChangeLog.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_join_session\",\n title: \"Join Session\",\n content: \"Un altro utente RMS pu\u00F2 condividere la sua Session con voi.

\"\n + \"Inserire qui la SessionID richiesta, che vi \u00E8 stata comunicata dall\u2019altro user RMS.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_file_transfer\",\n title: \"File Transfer\",\n content: \"Con File Transfer \u00E8 possibile caricare e scaricare file e cartelle dal proprio terminale di lavoro al proprio RMS Shares.

\"\n + \"Lo scambio di file tra RMS Share e il sistema di destinazione avviene per mezzo dell\u2019applicazione gestionale utilizzata.
\"\n + \"I RMS Share sono integrati sulla RMS Jumpstation (RJS) come unit\u00E0.

\"\n + \"Il File Transfer viene aperto in una nuova scheda del browser.

\"\n + \"Limiti e ulteriori informazioni possono essere trovati nelle FAQ.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_account_information\",\n title: \"Account Information\",\n content: \"Qui compaiono diverse informazioni sul proprio Account.

\"\n + \"Account:
\"\n + \"Il vostri dati personali salvati in RMS.
\"\n + \"Qui \u00E8 possibile cambiare la password RMS.

\"\n + \"Access Groups / Contacts:
\"\n + \"Qui sono visualizzati gli Access Groups a cui si \u00E8 autorizzati ad accedere.
\"\n + \"Se avete domande su RMS, potete vedere il contatto responsabile per ogni Access Group.

\"\n + \"Access Requests:
\"\n + \"In questo campo sono riportati gli accessi che sono stati richiesti, ma non ancora elaborati.

\"\n + \"Settings:
\"\n + \"Qui \u00E8 possibile selezionare le proprie impostazioni personali:\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_notification_center\",\n title: \"Notification\",\n content: \"Qui vengono eventualmente visualizzate informazioni su RMS.

\"\n + \"Ad esempio, l\u2019avviso di un periodo di manutenzione RMS o del guasto a un componente RMS.

\"\n + \"Fare clic su Notification per visualizzare (nuovamente) tutte le informazioni esistenti.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_feedback\",\n title: \"Feedback\",\n content: \"Volete lasciare il vostro commento su RMS?

\"\n + \"Qui puoi inviare indicazioni di suggerimenti o eventuali desideri al Center of Competence REMAS.

\"\n + \"Per domande sull\u2019utilizzo, rivolgersi al proprio referente.
\"\n + \"Vedere Contact & Privacy -> Contact o Account Information -> Access Groups / Contacts\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_logoff\",\n title: \"Log off\",\n content: \"Qui \u00E8 possibile disconnettersi dal RMS Web Portal.
\"\n + \"Se questa finestra viene chiusa, verranno chiuse anche tutte le altre finestre della sessione REMAS!\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#li_customersearch\",\n title: \"Search\",\n content: \"Nella scheda Search \u00E8 possibile cercare i clienti e i loro sistemi di destinazione, per i quali sei autorizzato.

\"\n + \"Una volta trovato il cliente desiderato, fare doppio clic sul nome del cliente.
\"\n + \"Si apre una nuova scheda del browser RMS. Qui sono visualizzati tutti i sistemi di destinazione di questo cliente a cui si \u00E8 autorizzati ad accedere.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_bookmark\",\n title: \"Favorites\",\n content: \"Nella scheda Favorites sono visualizzati tutti i clienti che avete selezionato nel Customer View come Favorite.
\"\n + \"Nella sessione RMS Customer View, puoi anche eliminare i tuoi preferiti se necessario.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_history\",\n title: \"History\",\n content: \"Nella scheda History sono riportati tutti i clienti con cui si \u00E8 stabilito un collegamento di recente.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#th_Additional\",\n title: \"Search Results - Additional\",\n content: \"Nella colonna Additional sono visualizzate altre informazioni sotto forma di simboli su ogni cliente trovato.

\"\n + \"Possono essere, ad esempio:\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"top\"\n }\n ]\n );\n }\n\n protected getEnglishSteps(): any[] {\n return (\n [\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_starttour\",\n title: \"Welcome to the RMS Web Portal\",\n content: \"On this tour, we would like to briefly show you the most important points.
\"\n + \"The tour can be restarted any number of times.

\"\n + \"Further information is also available to you in the FAQ and the ChangeLog.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_join_session\",\n title: \"Join Session\",\n content: \"Another RMS user can share their Session with you.

\"\n + \"For this purpose, enter the required SessionID that the other RMS user has shared with you here.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_lbt_file_transfer\",\n title: \"File Transfer\",\n content: \"With File Transfer, you can upload and download files and folders from your working device to your RMS Shares.

\"\n + \"The file exchange between RMS Share and the destination system happens within the management application used.
\"\n + \"The RMS Shares are integrated on the RMS Jumpstation (RJS) as a drive.

\"\n + \"The File Transfer is opened in a new browser tab.

\"\n + \"Limits and further information can be found in the FAQ.\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_account_information\",\n title: \"Account Information\",\n content: \"Here you can see various information about your Account.

\"\n + \"Account:
\"\n + \"Your personal data saved in RMS.
\"\n + \"You can change your RMS password here.

\"\n + \"Access Groups / Contacts:
\"\n + \"Here you can see the Access Groups that you have authorisation for.
\"\n + \"If you have questions about RMS, you can see the responsible contact partner for each Access Group.

\"\n + \"Access Requests:
\"\n + \"In this section, you can see the access requests you have made that are still waiting to be processed.

\"\n + \"Settings:
\"\n + \"You can select your personal settings here:\"\n + \"\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_notification_center\",\n title: \"Notification\",\n content: \"Information about RMS can be displayed here when required.

\"\n + \"For example, a RMS maintenance window announcement or existing fault in a RMS component.

\"\n + \"Click Notification to display all available information (again).\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_feedback\",\n title: \"Feedback\",\n content: \"Do you have any feedback about RMS?

\"\n + \"You can send suggestions or requests to the Center of Competence REMAS here.

\"\n + \"If you have any questions relating to use, please get in touch with your contact partner.
\"\n + \"See Contact & Privacy -> Contact or Account Information -> Access Groups / Contacts\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#navigation_li_logoff\",\n title: \"Log off\",\n content: \"You can log off the RMS Web Portal here.
\"\n + \"If this window is closed, all other REMAS session windows will also be closed!\",\n placement: \"right\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#li_customersearch\",\n title: \"Search\",\n content: \"In the Search tab, you search for customers and their target systems for which you are authorised.

\"\n + \"When you have found the customer you want, double click on the customer name.
\"\n + \"A new RMS browser tab opens. In it you will see all the customer destination systems that you have authorisation for.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_bookmark\",\n title: \"Favorites\",\n content: \"In the Favorites tab you can see all the customers you have marked with a Favorite from the Customer View.
\"\n + \"You can also delete your Favorites again when required in the RMS Session Customer View.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#body_li_history\",\n title: \"History\",\n content: \"In the History tab all customers are listed that you have recently set up a connection with.\",\n placement: \"bottom\"\n }\n ,\n {\n element: \"#th_Additional\",\n title: \"Search Results - Additional\",\n content: \"In the Additional column further information is indicated by icons for each customer found.